Explore and Purchase The Zones Products
Introducing The Zones of Regulation Digital Curriculum
A Social Emotional Learning Curriculum and Regulation Program
For over 15 years, schools around the world have been using the original Zones of Regulation program as an empowering instructional tool to build safe, supportive environments that foster learning and well-being for all.
Learners benefit from:
- Increased self-awareness and social and emotional skills
- A common language for communication, problem solving, and emotional understanding
- More time spent on learning instead of on behavior management
- A healthier, more inclusive school climate
The 2nd Edition (2024) of The Zones by author and creator Leah Kuypers.
Purchase the NEW Digital CurriculumThe Zones of Regulation Storybook Set - The Road to Regulation and Regulation Station
This two storybook set provides engaging social scenarios and strategies to help children (ages 5-11) explore how lessons from The Zones of Regulation Curriculum can be used at school and at home. Kids love stories and will identify with the characters and the everyday situations as they learn about their feelings and emotions, as well as how their bodies help them sense what they are feeling.
Now available on Google Play and Apple Books
Tools to Try Cards
Regulation Strategies Best Paired with The Zones of Regulation Digital Curriculum
The Zones Tools to Try Cards for Kids (ages 5-10) and Tools to Try for Teens and Tweens (ages 10+) sets include over 50 4″× 6″ tool cards. These two separate decks are an easy, user-friendly way to introduce regulation strategies and empower learners to choose tools that work best for them. Each strategy card displays the regulation tool on one side and a how-to-do-it description on the reverse, along with a metacognitive self-reflection.
Now available on Google Play and Apple Books
Navigating the Zones Game & Advanced Pack
Navigating The Zones Game (age 8+) was created by Leah Kuypers, creator of The Zones of Regulation, along with Teri Rossman and Elizabeth Sautter. An interactive teaching tool designed to extend the curriculum, the game walks participants through the “Zones Pathway.” The Pathway is a visual, sequential, and concrete road map that helps structure learners’ thinking and processing about the problem-solving sequence that is at the center of self-regulation. You should have a strong working knowledge of the concepts and vocabulary in The Zones of Regulation curriculum to use this product successfully. Our new ecofriendly, streamlined game packaging has removed all plastic inserts. The more compact size not only reduces the toll on the environment and saves on shipping costs, but also requires less space for storage. All game parts and components remain the same.
Ready-to-use Zone of Regulation Visuals
Use these dry-erase posters alongside the lessons. Available separately or as a bundle.
The Road to Regulation Poster
Adapted from the colorful 2-page layout in The Regulation Station storybook, this 24″ x 18″ full-color poster outlines the steps along the Road to Regulation. It’s a powerful visual support when using any of The Zones of Regulation products
The Zones of Regulation Original Poster 24"×18"*
A great visual to reinforce the use of The Zones and help students recognize strategies or tools to stay in a zone or help them regulate each of their Zones.
Zones Triggers Poster 18"×24"*
This poster relates to Triggers. Triggers are unwelcome events, situations or sensations that create less comfortable feelings. Examples of triggers may be a smell that makes you gag, getting picked last for a team, or misplacing something you need. Use this poster to keep track of your learner’s triggers. Noticing our triggers helps us to be prepared for when they happen again. This way we aren’t as surprised when our feelings change and can regulate and/or problem solve easier. Learners can follow up by completing their own Triggers Worksheet.
Stop, Opt, & Go Poster 18"×24"*
This poster supports individual problem solving and group conflict resolution. It also can be used proactively to prepare students to manage themselves when they encounter previously identified triggers.
Bundle your Zones poster purchase
Purchase the total Zones package – The Zones of Regulation Poster, Zones Trigger Paster, and STOP, OPT, AND GO Paster and SAVE. Great visual tools for you to hang up in your office, classroom, clinic, or home.
The Zones of Regulation Apps
Download on Your Device’s App Store
The Zones of Regulation App®
An interactive tool that provides a fun way to assist in developing real-life regulation skills. Learners will be taken on an adventure through a town filled with exciting learning opportunities around Zones concepts, rewards, and mini games. Currently available for download on iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac, Chromebook (Android Compatible). One app download may be used for up to 8 unique learners.
Exploring Emotions App®
The second app from The Zones, Exploring Emotions, is designed to foster regulation skills in an engaging manner, while simulating realistic everyday situations. It helps learners gain skills in consciously regulating their feelings within their environments. Currently available for download on iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac, Chromebook (Android Compatible). One app download may be used for up to 26 unique learners.